[IATF16949:2016]IATF ISO/TS 16949修订工作组消息(中英文)

时间:2017-09-06 19:03:30来源:智天下顾问点击:1122

9 August 2016

The attached joint press release represents a win-win for IATF and ISO by communicating the IATF decision to publish the IATF 16949 standard as a separate document and maintaining a strong collaborative relationship between ISO and the IATF going forward

IATF Press Release

Additional information about IATF 16949 can be found in the following bulletin

IATF Supplemental Bulletin


16 April 2016

The IATF completed a Stakeholder Conference in Rome, Italy on 12-13 April 2016. The conference was attended by 200 representatives of 44 IATF recognized certification bodies (including auditors), 41 global supplier companies, IATF member organizations, and witness auditors.

The purpose of the conference was to review the 1st revision of the IATF QMS standard and the proposed certification transition plan. The attendees provided valuable feedback on both items. 

In the coming months, the IATF will be reviewing and dispositioning the feedback received from the stakeholders. The next step is to prepare for select pilot gap assessments at supplier sites in all regions. 

Additionally, the IATF will be developing Certification Body auditor training and testing materials to ensure CB auditors are knowledgeable and qualified to begin the transition of certificates to the new standard in early 2017.


By the 3rd quarter 2016 the IATF national associations members will be announcing the availability of supplier training for the IATF QMS standard.

The certification transition plan is available by accessing the link below.



其中汽车行业使用最广泛的国际标准进行质量管理-ISO / TS 16949,设置有一个新的全球行业标准由国际汽车特别工作组(IATF)出版演变。

ISO / TS 16949,对于汽车行业质量管理体系技术规范,是首先在1999年制定的IATF会同ISO技术委员会质量管理,ISO / TC 176从那以后,它已经上升到成为最广泛使用的国际性的标准在汽车行业,旨在协调不同的评估和在全球汽车供应链认证体系。在2016年10月IATF 16949:将于2016年由IATF发布,将取代并替换目前ISO / TS 16949,定义一个质量管理体系的要求,组织在汽车行业。它将与对齐并参考最新版本的ISO质量管理体系标准,通过ISO 9001:2015年。 IATF 16949:将于2016年充分尊重ISO 9001 2015结构和要求, IATF 16949 2016不是一个独立的质量管理规范,但是被实施为一种补充,并结合ISO9001:2015。

IATF将确保与ISO 9001的持续调整通过保持与ISO强强合作,

通过其在ISO / TC176的参与。


有关ISO 9001的详细信息请访问:www.iso.org/iso/iso_9000或联系您当地的ISO成员,可以发现其中的细节


有关IATF 16949详细信息:2016年可以从IATF网站获得:





08 February 2016

The IATF has approved the first draft of the new automotive quality standard to include additional stakeholder feedback.  The revision work team is preparing for an April 2016 conference to obtain further stakeholder input.  The IATF intends to release the transition strategy from ISO/TS 16949:2009 to the new automotive quality standard in April 2016.


Pilot gap assessments will be conducted May through June 2016 worldwide.  Feedback from gap assessments will be used to further refine the new automotive quality standard and the associated Rules for achieving and maintaining IATF recognition.  The target date for completion of the new automotive quality standard is December 2016.

Some of the new enhancements to the automotive quality standard to address recent issues in the automotive industry include the following: 


  • Requirements for safety-related parts and processes

  • Enhanced product traceability requirements to support latest regulatory changes

  • Requirements for products with embedded software

  • Warranty management process including addressing NTF (no trouble found) and use of automotive industry guidance

  • Clarification of sub-tier supplier management and development requirements

  • Addition of corporate responsibility requirements


12 October 2015 
The IATF work team has reviewed and dispositioned the responses received from the stakeholder survey (1759 responses received from OEMs, suppliers, CBs, and other stakeholders). An initial committee working draft has been created, which includes input from the stakeholder survey and common OEM customer specific requirements, incorporating the ISO 9001:2015 structure and content as boxed text.

The expiry date of certifications to ISO/TS 16949:2009 issued during the transition period of ISO 9001 needs to correspond to the end of the three-year transition period (14 September 2018) in-line with the expiration date for ISO 9001:2008 certificates, as outlined in the IAF guide ID9.

The IATF is defining a transition strategy from ISO/TS 16949:2009 which will be released at a later date.

24 July 2015
The IATF has completed a stakeholder survey for suggestions related to content changes to the revised IATF standard.  The established work team is now compiling the survey responses and preparing for the build phase of the revision process.  Thank you to those who participated in the survey.

30 Mar 2015
The IATF has completed phase one of the development process and finalized the design specification for the revision of the IATF automotive standard.  Efforts are being undertaken to collect data for analysis and potential inclusion into the revised standard.  A standardized common survey will be administered by the IATF member national associations to stakeholders in the coming months.

16 Feb 2015
The IATF assigned work team will be seeking stakeholder inputs on potential enhancements to the ISO/TS 16949 standard.  Additionally, customer requirements are being analyzed for potential inclusion in the future standard.  Completion of the revised quality management system standard is targeted for Q4 2016.

5 Dec 2014
The IATF has established a work team consisting of IATF member organizations to develop a design specification for the revision of ISO/TS 16949 to align with the ISO 9001:2015 based structure and requirements.


• 2018年9月14日以后,ISO/TS 16949证书不再有效。


• 2017年10月1日以后,将不再进行ISO/TS 16949的审核(包括初次、监督、换证、机构转移),而需要按照IATF 16949:2016新标准实施审核。





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